Some phenomenal princesses of the 19th century that broke the norms!

Walking back in the sands of time still remains one of our favorite things to do and yes there’s so much to uncover! And today we’d be delving into India. 

Overtime, history has recorded some women who have defiled the odds placed on gender inequalities and have shown some tremendous strength and courage in raising their voices, actions and opportunities for women and girls and while some of these women have been scorned by the ethics of the society they found themselves, they have also been celebrated in more ways than one! 

Let us uncover some of our heroes!

1. Maharani Gayatri Devi. 

Talk about ethereal beauty, brains and empathy Gayatri most certainly wears them on a sleeve of elegance and poise. Being born into one of the opulent Royalties of India, she went on to redefine wealth in a subtle yet graceful manner. Known for her commendable work in fashion, politics and education and not forgetting to mention that she opened the Maharani Gayatri Devi school in Jaipur with only 24 students to begin with just to ensure that children have access to the right quality of education for a little less or nothing. She was noted to be amongst the top 10 most beautiful women in the world courtesy of vogue and the most inspiring part, her renowned reputation in politics earned her a place in the Guinness book of record for winning an election in 1962 on the highest margin against her opponent. 

2. Princess Indira Raje of Baroda. 

(Warning: There is a shocking revelation here!) Princess Indira was noted to have an ethereal beauty and personality. Born into royalty and deemed to carry out all the expectations of a royal princess, it came as a shock that most definitely left her people in awe when she did the most unthinkable- breaking off her engagement all by herself with Madho Rao Scindia of Gwalior via a letter! Her wedding to Madho Rao was fixed to form an alliance with another powerful royal family however she fell in love with another at first sight while she was on tour in the British empire with her family. She faced a lot of turmoil with her decision to marry for love and it took 2 years for her family to accept her choice and agree to the union. And here’s the most amazing and shocking news, she married her heartthrob and birthed a number of children for him before his demise 9 years into their union. Amongst their children together is Maharani Gayatri Devi! So there you have it, it is most certainly a lot for a generation to be known for phenomenal things. Amongst her many passions include art, interior collections and decorations and an immense taste in fashion earning her the place of one of the best dressed women of India. 

3. Princess Niloufer of Hyderabad. 

One of the last princesses of the Ottoman Empire right before the empire came to an end after the First World War, Princess Niloufer was forced to move down and settle in France alongside her family after the exile. However, fate is a fickle mistress as it can change sides at any time, one of the richest royal family in Hyderabad took one look at her and deemed her worthy to be marched to a son from their family. Did I forget to add that her beauty can make even the strongest of minds weak! From living a quiet and reputable life, she was soon waltzed into the glitz and glamor of a royal family alongside opulence and recognition. An educationist, a philanthropist and a nurse who later volunteered to receive training to give relief duties to the wounded in the Second World War. Princess Niloufer was known for a number of reputable things including fashion, arts and tourism. 

Until next time dear reader…

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